ملخص الدراسةالبياتي, حيدر. الفن الاجتماعي كرستو وجان كلود انموذجا . رس Übersetzung - ملخص الدراسةالبياتي, حيدر. الفن الاجتماعي كرستو وجان كلود انموذجا . رس Englisch wie soll ich sagen

ملخص الدراسةالبياتي, حيدر. الفن الا

ملخص الدراسة
البياتي, حيدر. الفن الاجتماعي كرستو وجان كلود انموذجا . رسالة ماجستير , جامعة اليرموك .2015 م. (المشرف : د. موفق على السقار).
تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تقديم الفن كممارسة حياتية اجتماعية تداولية ضمن نسق عام تنمي الثقافة الذوقية والبصرية لعموم الناس بالمهرجانات والفعاليات الفنية والتوعوية سواء في قاعات العرض او في الساحات العامة والطرقات . وتنبيه القائمين في المؤسسات الادارية والحكومية الى ضرورة رعاية هكذا فعاليات ودعمها اذا ارادوا النهوض بواقعهم وتطوير مجتمعاتهم لان المجتمع الصحي ينتج اجيال صالحة منتجة والعكس . كما تناولت الدراسة الفن المعاصر ( فنون ما بعد الحداثة ) وانموذجا عنها اعمال الفنانين كرستو وجان كلود , كونها حملت طابعاً حراً في الفكر والاسلوب والتنفيذ والمادة وتتجه نحو ثقافة فكرية وجمالية اجتماعية عامة , شارك كرستو وجان كلود بأعمالهم التنصيبية جمهور العامة وكانوا جزء منها . حيث ارتبطت مشاريعهما بالأماكن المأهولة بالناس كونهم المعنين بهذه المشاريع .
الكلمة المفتاحية الفن الاجتماعي
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 1: [Kopieren]
Summary of the studyAl-Bayati, Haider. Social art Jean-Claude krsto and model. Master, Yarmouk University 2015 m. (Supervisor: Dr. Helen conciliator). This study aims to make art as a practice of social life within a general theme to develop parliamentary culture gustative for public festivals and artistic events, awareness-raising, both in the exhibition halls or in public squares and streets. Alerting operators in administrative and governmental institutions need the care and support of events so if they want to promote their reality and the development of their communities to the health community has produced generations of valid producers and vice versa. The study also addressed contemporary art (art of postmodernism) and the model of the artists krsto and Jean-Claude, being carried free in the nature of thought and the method of implementation and the article and moving towards a culture of intellectual and aesthetic general social, krsto and Jean-Claude altensibih public work and they part. Where related projects in populated places people being provoked. Social art keyword
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 2:[Kopieren]
al-Bayati, Haidar. Social Art Christo and Jean-Claude a model. Master Thesis, University of Yarmouk 0.2015 m. (Supervisor: d. Conciliator on Alsagar).
This study aims to provide art as a practice of social life within the general layout deliberative develop gustatory and visual culture to the public awareness and artistic festivals and events both in the exhibition halls or in public squares and roads. And to alert those who in the administrative and government institutions to the need for care and support such activities if they want better acquainted advancement and development of their communities because the health community produces generations valid productive and vice versa. Study of Contemporary Art (Arts also dealt with the post-modern) and a model of the work of artists Christo and Jean-Claude, being carried character free in thought and style, execution and material moving towards intellectual and aesthetic general social culture, Christo and Jean-Claude posted their work Altnasibah general audience and they were part of it. Where their projects associated with the places inhabited by people being respective personnel to these projects.
Keyword social art
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Ergebnisse (Englisch) 3:[Kopieren]
Abstract the study
AL Bayati, Haider. The art of social Krstw and Jean Claude as a model. Master dissertation, Yarmouk University. 2015. (Supervisor: Dr. On the Alsqar).
The aim of this study is to make art and social life as deliberative body within a pattern of develop the festival culture, visual and taste for the general public and professional awareness, both in the exhibition halls. In public places and roads.And based on the administrative institutions and the need for care and support if they want to promote better acquainted. Thus the development of their own health because the society produced generations were produced, and vice versa.The study of Contemporary Art (the art of Post Modernism) Wanmwdhja by works of artists Krstw and Jean Claude, a bore is free in thought and style and art. It is a culture of intellectual, aesthetic and social public.The Krstw and Jean Claude's business Altnsybyt general audience. They were part of it. It entered into their places inhabited by people. These projects are concerned.
key word of social art
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Die Übersetzung Tool-Unterstützung: Afrikaans, Albanisch, Amharisch, Arabisch, Armenisch, Aserbaidschanisch, Baskisch, Bengalisch, Birmanisch, Bosnisch, Bulgarisch, Cebuano, Chichewa, Chinesisch, Chinesisch Traditionell, Deutsch, Dänisch, Englisch, Esperanto, Estnisch, Filipino, Finnisch, Französisch, Friesisch, Galizisch, Georgisch, Griechisch, Gujarati, Haitianisch, Hausa, Hawaiisch, Hebräisch, Hindi, Hmong, Igbo, Indonesisch, Irisch, Isländisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Javanisch, Jiddisch, Kannada, Kasachisch, Katalanisch, Khmer, Kinyarwanda, Kirgisisch, Klingonisch, Koreanisch, Korsisch, Kroatisch, Kurdisch (Kurmandschi), Lao, Lateinisch, Lettisch, Litauisch, Luxemburgisch, Malagasy, Malayalam, Malaysisch, Maltesisch, Maori, Marathi, Mazedonisch, Mongolisch, Nepalesisch, Niederländisch, Norwegisch, Odia (Oriya), Paschtu, Persisch, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Punjabi, Rumänisch, Russisch, Samoanisch, Schottisch-Gälisch, Schwedisch, Serbisch, Sesotho, Shona, Sindhi, Singhalesisch, Slowakisch, Slowenisch, Somali, Spanisch, Sprache erkennen, Suaheli, Sundanesisch, Tadschikisch, Tamil, Tatarisch, Telugu, Thailändisch, Tschechisch, Turkmenisch, Türkisch, Uigurisch, Ukrainisch, Ungarisch, Urdu, Usbekisch, Vietnamesisch, Walisisch, Weißrussisch, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu, Sprachübersetzung.

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